Troop 1 Events
Troop 1 Chicago has day-long event outings in November and March. Example events include working on the Engineering Merit Badge requirements at the Harley-Davidson Museum, attending a hockey game on Scout Night, working on Game Design Merit Badge at the Microsoft Store, indoor rock climbing, visiting the Fermi National Lab and the private Warbird Museum of vintage airplanes. Scouts even create an entire Thanksgiving Dinner by campfire, followed by camping, if weather permits. It is Chicago after all. We also celebrate Scout achievements three times a year at Court of Honor ceremonies and attend Blue & Gold Banquets annually.
Blue & Gold Banquet
Blue and Gold Banquets are a tradition in Scouting. They are a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the BSA on February 8, 1910, and therefore usually take the place of the February. The Arrow of Light ceremony is included as the 5th graders cross over to a troop. At the Annual Blue & Gold Banquet, Troop 1 welcomed 14 new members to the Troop
Merit Badge University
Every February the Three Fires Council hosts Merit Badge University. Over 90+ Merit Badges are taught to Scouts. Troop 1 successfully attended another Merit Badge University. 5 new Scouts participated in the First Class Trail, a program that teaches the skills for early rank advancement. Older Scouts earned multiple merit badges each, including ones required for Eagle, including swimming. Pictures included some of the fun merit badges from robotics to bird study to railroading, which included a massive computer-operated model railroad.
Court of Honor:
Troop 1 host three Court of Honors during the year where Scout advancement, special awards and earned Merit Badges are recognized. At the February Court of Honor, Troop 1 had 15 Scouts earn rank advancements, 17 Scouts received 43 merit badges and 14 new Scouts, who crossed over from Cub Scouts, were welcomed into Troop 1.
eagle scout courts of Honor
During the 2017/2018 Scouting year, Troop 1 had 4 Scouts earn Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.